- Savannah | 2019 Portraits -
My Next Adventure: Study Abroad

My Next Adventure: Study Abroad

July 19, 2019

Sometimes you just need to take a leap of faith and follow your dreams! A dream I have had for most of my life is to travel the world, which comes from my parents’ love for travel, especially from my mom.

When my mom was 21, she decided to follow her dream of becoming a flight attendant. Even after everyone told her she would never make it on her first try, she never gave up and continued to work for it. Her dedication and passion paid off and she was accepted on her first try! This job allowed her to travel the world and she was able to see different parts of the US, Canada, Mexico, and Europe.

And now, it’s my turn! Just this January, I decided I was no longer going to let fear get in my way and I applied to study abroad. I only told those closest to me about my decision, just in case it did not work out. I prayed for so long so that God could help me make the right decision.

My largest struggle was deciding where to go and for how long. We have family friends in Spain so that seemed to make the most sense but I also dreamed of studying in Australia, New Zealand, or Fiji. I knew I wanted some place where I could easily travel and explore other countries, so I began leaning more towards Europe.

One day, I stumbled across the page for Verona, Italy on my study abroad provider’s website. Instantly my heart knew that this was where I needed to go. I still can’t fully explain why or what had influenced this decision, but this desire has never left. Verona just seems perfect. I originally planned to stay for only a summer, a semester just seemed too long to be away from home. However, once I began thinking of my plans and everything I hope to see and do while away, I realized that one month was just not long enough.

So in less than two months, I will be on a plane to Italy where I will live for four months. I am terrified and extremely excited for this new adventure! I am completely abandoning my comfort zone but I trust that this experience will be life changing in the most positive way. I can’t wait for the sites I will see, the food I will eat, the pictures I will take, and the adventures I will have!

Follow along in my journey through my blog and Instagram!

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